Unmanagable Lists?

Don't let your mailing lists get out of control. You can have the list management and data entry you need for all of your direct mailings. With constant maintenance and purging, our team will comb through your lists and process all of your data so you don't have to.

Data Management

Data is the epicenter for many successful organizations. Not only is data a crucial element of your direct marketing programs, it is also a vital asset to a company's valuation. Turner Marketing Inc. is now managing more data than ever across emerging channels. You can get the lists management you need when you choose us.

List Services

  •  Mailing List Management - postal and email
  • Enhanced Mailing Lists - consumer, B2B, ethnic & religious
  • List Brokerage & email

Better Database Marketing

When your marketing becomes overwhelming, you can turn to us. Our range of marketing software with provide your business with irreplaceable tools and critical insight to run marketing campaigns more intelligently, consolidate databases into a Single Customer View and engage in one-to-one relationship messaging.

 Our marketing software products are proven to increase revenue, enhance the customer experience, and generate better campaign results for your business.

We will help your business achieve what’s seemingly unachievable and enable you to analyze and target customers to get the very best from all offline and online communications.